BetterBites® Picky Eating Program

“What if you could lower your mealtime stress and know your child was on the road to trying and eventually eating new foods?”
“He now touches food, will TRY new foods, he has added new foods to what he will eat…
My son Banner is autistic and almost 3. When we started the BetterBites Picky Eater Program, he had a limited diet…his speech pathologist called it a ‘white foods diet’…Before I felt so defeated, I would make him a special meal. Now we all eat the same meal…” – Christine

You could keep on fighting them to just take one bite...
You could keep on fight them to just take one bite.
You could keep getting up from the table to make them their own meal.
You could keep having struggles over how many bites, that leave you feeling defeated.
You could keep watching them drop more and more foods off their list, with no idea of how to add them back on.
Or, you can learn about your child and become a parent who is confident about how to feed a picky child, even an extremely picky child, and help your child learn to try new foods.

About This Program
Learn strategies and advance methods to help your picky eater thrive at mealtime.
By the end of this program, you’ll:
- Understand your child. Discover what causes picky eating and how to understand your child’s eating behaviors
- Serve one meal with methods for introducing new foods so that your child can learn to eat a more varied diet at their own pace and thrive
- Scripts for talking about food to cultivate a positive long-term relationship with food
- Learn strategies to end food struggles with your child before they start.

The Learning Experience
- 28+Comprehensive Lessons
- Food Activity Plans
- Step-by-step Workbook
- Access to an understanding, experienced, and supportive community of parents via the private Facebook Group
Hear from a BetterBites Picky Eating parent
What is included in the Better Bites Program
Comprehensive Lessons
Food Activity Plans
Step-by-step Workbook
Supportive Email Series
Lifetime Access
When you enroll, you’ll get these juicy bonuses

Food Play Every Day: 100+ Food Activities for Children [e-guide]
Your new best friend! An e-guide with over 100 food activities. You can find exactly what you need to implement the BetterBites strategies with your child! You can use these activities to customize your Weekly Food Activity Plan. Plus, you’ll use this as a reference for years to come!

BetterBridges: The Ultimate Guide to Food Lists for Food Chains [e-guide]
Bridging is a key part of this program, and likely the key to getting extremely picky eaters to start to branch out and try new foods. This guide includes extensive lists by organized by sensory qualities that will help you find the right foods to change for your child to take the mental effort off your shoulders.

The BetterBites Plate: 100 Deconstructable Meals for Families [e-Book]
Get meal ideas and recipes friendly for families with picky eaters. Plus, you’ll get:
- Nutrition Reference Sheets – basic nutrition guidance for what to do when your child has diarrhea, vomiting, fever, anemia, constipation, or needs to gain weight after you’ve connected with your healthcare professional.