BetterBites® Programs

Reverse Picky Eating Program
The BetterBites® Reverse Picky Eating Program is the most comprehensive online program for the parents of picky children who want to reduce stress and get their children on the road to eating more foods.
This program is for ages 1-10 years and for mildly picky eaters to extreme picky eaters (5-10 foods). As part of this program, you get access to the BetterBites Facebook community full of parents living with picky eaters and improving their lives one bite at a time.

Toddler and Child Feeding Course
The BetterBites® Toddler and Child Feeding Course are the perfect way to learn, laugh and get on the same page as your partner, relatives, or your child’s caregiver about feeding your child.
This fun course covers the fundamentals of feeding toddlers and young kids and helps parents feel confident about meals, snacks, and dessert.