Picky Eating Support for Your Patients

Partner with us to help expand the number of foods kids eat and support pediatric healthcare practices
Healthcare Providers with family
BetterBites Program

BetterBites® is a different approach to parent nutrition education and feeding therapy

Our Pediatric occupational therapists and registered dietitians teach families evidence-based feeding practices through education and tools.

Families with picky eaters learn strategies and advanced feeding therapy techniques to use with their child.

Up to 50% of parents report their child is a picky eater (1). The BetterBites program helps families find success.

Jenna W.

My 4yo munched on asparagus like a bunny this week!! From smell to texture, asparagus is a hard one for a kiddo with sensory challenges. I don’t think I could have done any of this without this program. Therapists time is expensive on our health plan, so this also saved us a lot of money.
Thank you for all you do to help kiddos be healthy and happy!

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Sara H.

18 months ago my son was only eating 10 foods (and that includes chocolate and ice cream). Today, after so many months of hard work on his part and ours, he ate a sandwich at a restaurant. He followed this up with dessert at a honey bar where he tried 8 varieties of honey and compared their flavor profiles (he hasn't had honey in 3 years).

The strategies in this program helped us to get to this point... a place that I honestly thought would take at least 15 years to get to. I'm so grateful to witness my son's blossoming relationship with food and joyful eating.

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Child with collard greens

BetterBites by Kids Eat in Color is a trusted extension of your practice

Take Feeding Education Off of Your Plate 

With the help of a screener, you can quickly identify which children need more support and you can refer them to get the specialized education they need outside of the exam room. 

Help Families Intervene Early

BetterBites plays a crucial role in promoting early intervention of feeding difficulties and helping families learn best practices before they unintentionally make their child’s eating abilities worse.

Identifying problematic and atypical eating can also help with early monitoring and identification of neurodivergence.

Support Your Practice

Kids Eat in Color cares deeply about the sustainability of pediatric healthcare, so a portion of all program fees go to the practice.

Become an Affiliate Partner
child eating broccoli

The BetterBites Picky Eating Program

Upon joining, families

  1. perform a nutritional intake assessment of their child to identify potential nutrition challenges
  2. join the moderated online community that includes input from our feeding therapists and registered dietitians, where they can ask questions of our specialists and get moral support
  3. listen to, read, or watch lessons that teach child feeding best practices
  4. learn specialized techniques and strategies to provide therapeutic eating support to their child

Families receive emails throughout the first several months of the program keeping them on-pace through the program.

(1) Taylor C, et al. Picky/fussy eating in children: Review of definitions, assessment, prevalence and dietary intakes. Appetite. 2015

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