Fearless Nutrition (Preschool) Unit Study for Teachers
Nutrition education unit study for classrooms and homeschool.
This lesson plan helps teachers speak neutrally about food with children. It also includes a nutrition education unit that can be used to easily replace “healthy vs. unhealthy” nutrition education while still meeting learning standards. See details below.
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Preschool Nutritional Unit To Promote Children's Healthy Relationships with Food
Are you a preschool teacher or homeschool parent who wants to foster a healthy relationship with food in children?
Teachers and a dietitian wrote this preschool nutrition unit lesson to give you what you need to make a difference.

The Nutrition Unit Lesson Plans include:
- Resources to help children have a positive relationship with food.
- Nutrition education lesson plans with examples of how it can be used to meet state health-related learning objectives.
- Activities, worksheets, children’s book recommendations, and recipes to accompany nutrition lessons.
- Communication guide to sharing the food & nutrition ideals with student’s families.