Mealtime Struggles with Baby

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You Need Strategies for Mealtime Struggles with Baby

Based on the answers you provided in the screener*, we call this typical picky eating. Many children are “picky” at some point, but still eat a variety of foods, meet their nutritional needs, and don’t have social challenges related to eating. If the best practices for infant feeding are followed, typical picky eaters usually can improve the number of foods they will eat over time without progressing to more serious forms of picky eating. 

Mealtime struggles are common. Your child may not be eating dinner or taking to veggies. You may be stressed about them eating too much or not enough. We know you’ve been trying to fix the problems, maybe through power struggles, or bribing them with other foods to eat their food. It makes sense that you’re trying these strategies! Sometimes they can make the problem worse, though.

Our Easy Weaning for ages 0-1 specifically helps you learn evidence-based strategies to help your baby eat well and have a good relationship with food long term.

Baby sitting in a high chair at the table with Parent

Feeding Fundamentals That Make Mealtime Easier with Baby

This comprehensive guide is designed to help parents and caregivers feel confident in feeding their baby, and reduce mealtime stress. It includes:

  • The 4 evidence-based practices that are important as you feed your baby
  • Baby nutrition
  • Creating a meal plan that works for YOU
  • What to expect when starting solids
  • Much more