When to Stop Using the High Chair + How to Transition to a Booster
Not sure when to stop using the high chair? Learn when to transition from the high chair to a booster seat with this guide, plus get tips for making the switch easier.
Not sure when to stop using the high chair? Learn when to transition from the high chair to a booster seat with this guide, plus get tips for making the switch easier.
Teaching kids table manners helps them behave respectfully at meals. Learn how to teach kids table manners, why they're important, and get lists of table manners for kids to practice.
Did you know that it’s actually good for your toddler to make a mess while they’re eating? Learn why they do it, why it’s good for them, and get tips on how to manage the mess.
What if my 2-year-old can’t use a spoon? When should toddlers use utensils, anyways? Read to get our experts' answers to common utensil questions.
Allowing your toddler to have screen time while they eat can make picky eating worse. Ready to cut down on screens at meals? Here’s a 10-step solution to get kids to eat without TV and screens.
Concerned about choking? Learn common choking hazards for toddlers, babies and kids. Plus, learn how to prevent choking and help your child eat safely.
There's so much to consider when shopping for baby utensils. Our OT shares her top utensil picks for babies, plus she explains when to introduce them to your child and how to do it.
The Division of Responsibility can help you feed your baby, toddler or picky eater. It can also give you tools to help your child have a healthy relationship with food in the future.
If your toddler is refusing to eat anything but milk? Too much milk can make picky eating worse. Here I'll teach you how to help your child eat more foods.
Feeling defeated by your child’s mealtime tantrums and meltdowns? This article will help you understand why they happen, how to cope with them and how to prevent them from reoccurring.