Quiz Result: Mealtime Struggles
You Need Strategies for Mealtime Struggles
Based on your answers, you and your child are likely experiencing difficult mealtime struggles even though your child is likely not a complex picky eater.
Your child may not be eating dinner or many veggies. You may be stressed about them eating too much or not enough, how to handle dessert, or providing snacks every 10 minutes. We know you’ve been trying to fix the problems, maybe through making 2 meals, power struggles, bribing them with dessert to eat their food, or making them clean their plate. It makes sense that you’re trying these strategies! Sometimes they can make the problem worse, though.
Our Toddler and Child Feeding Course for ages 1 to 10 specifically helps reduce mealtime struggles. It will help you learn evidence-based strategies to help your child eat well and have a good relationship with food.
Toddler & Child Feeding Course
Moms and dads (and all caregivers) can enjoy and get onboard with this one-of-a-kind comedy-based child feeding course! Learn how to help your child eat better with less stress through the stories of families also on the struggle bus.
Enroll HereFeeding Fundamentals That Make Mealtime Easier
This is a self-paced online course designed to help parents and caregivers feel confident in feeding their child, help their child have a good relationship with food, and reduce mealtime stress. It includes video lessons that a teach:
- strategies for handling dessert and sweets
- how to manage snacks, including bedtime snacks
- how to reduce picky eating and help your child have a good relationship with food
- how much your child should be eating, including how much to let them eat during meals
- the basics of nutrition for children
Additional Course Materials
Toddler Troubleshooting Guide
The course also includes a toddler-specific guide that covers issues like food throwing, sippy cups, utensils, constipation, and messes.
Research Briefs for Skeptical Caregivers
The course includes research articles to give to a skeptical caregiver that summarize research about issues such as:
- Pressuring children to eat foods or a certain amount of foods
- Food restriction and parenting practices
- Meal and snack routines
- How parent food choices affect children’s nutrition