Quiz Result Mealtime Stress and How Much Your Child Needs to Eat

man and woman looking defeated

The "How Much" Problem

Based on your answers, we can tell that mealtime is hard!

Your child is likely what we would call “typically picky. ” This means, many children experience this sort of picky eating.

Based on what you have told us, your child is likely NOT an extreme picky eater.

That said, you and your child are definitely experiencing a common struggle that families face. We call it the “How Much” problem.

We find that families with the How Much problem have a child who struggles to eat the right amount of food for their body.

Toddler & child Feeding Course

Practical Strategies

If you’d like to work on your child’s eating and fixing the “how much” problem, our Toddler and Child Feeding Course (for ages 1 to 10) can help you.

It will give you all the strategies and scripts for helping your child eat the right amount of food for their body. Plus it will improve your stress levels in the process!

You can learn more about this cutting edge course here.