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Top Calcium-Rich Foods for Toddlers & Kids (Including Non-Dairy Sources)

June 2022

Last reviewed: October 2022


Lt. Robert Wallace


Jennifer Anderson, MSPH, RDN

about us

About Kids Eat in Color

Created by experts, Kids Eat in Color is the leading resource for families seeking evidence-based information and strategies on child nutrition and feeding.


Lt. Robert Wallace


Jennifer Anderson, MSPH, RDN

about us

About Kids Eat in Color

Created by experts, Kids Eat in Color is the leading resource for families seeking evidence-based information and strategies on child nutrition and feeding.

Lt. Robert Wallace

Lt. Robert Wallace

Robert Wallace is a dietetic intern at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He is currently completing a MS in Nutrition through Baylor University and has a BS in International Studies from the University of Washington and a BS in Nutrition from the University of New Mexico. Robert has many years of experience working with children including teaching abroad in Shanghai, working as a school garden coordinator in Tucson, AZ, and running summer cooking camps at the Pascua Yaqui tribe Diabetes Wellness Center. Upon completing his dietetic internship at Walter Reed, Robert plans to build his clinical skill set in hope of becoming a well educated, effective policy maker for childhood nutrition. He believes that education about food including where it comes from, how it can be prepared, and the role it has in supporting health should be just as commonplace in school as math and history.

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